
During 2018, nine million people died of cancer

During 2018, nine million people died of cancer
ANDROCOMVIRAL-Cancer is the number two cause of death in the world. The cancer research group from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that there are at least 18 million cancer cases with a total death toll of 9 million during 2018.

The human body has various organs with individual functions that work simultaneously to maintain the function of our lives.

"Every day organs such as the lungs, heart, intestines, heart and others continuously experience growth and cell death. Cancer occurs when this balance is disrupted and cell growth becomes much larger than cell death," said Southeast Jeffrey, Sp. PP -KHOM, as Hematélogi Consulent and Oncologist at Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk recently.

Someone who has cancer generally shows symptoms of certain symptoms that are usually associated with the organs from which cancer cells originate.

However, not a few Also, the spider feels symptoms when the cancer is in its final stages.

"When someone has been diagnosed with cancer, the right treatment must be done immediately in the form of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and others," he said.

Surgery can be done in cases of benign tumors, while chemotherapy can be done without or with other treatments.

Southeast Jeffrey explained, chemotherapy is used to treat cancer, reduce the possibility of recurrence of cancer cells, stop or inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and reduce symptoms or side effects of cancer.

Chemotherapy can also be combined with other treatments, for example kemoterapl can be given to reduce the tumor before radiation action or given after surgery or radiation therapy to destroy the remaining cancer cells.

The forms and methods of giving chemotherapy vary depending on the type of cancer and the extent of its spread, the historical treatment of the patient, and other health problems suffered by the patient.

Considering the complexity and side effects of chemotherapy, it must be under the supervision of a doctor and nurse who are competent during the chemotherapy process.

Slloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk through the Remotenpi, Systemic, and One Day Cam Unit under the supervision of the Consul General of Hematology and Oncology is committed to support and assist patients in every ongoing chemotherapy process.


Ear Conditions Can Detect Symptoms of Heart Disease
Ear Conditions Can Detect Symptoms of Heart Disease
ANDROCOMVIRAL-Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health states that coronary heart disease ranks first at 12.9 percent of causes of death in Indonesia.

The high mortality rate makes us better anticipate various symptoms in order to make preventive efforts.

Apparently this symptom of heart disease can be seen directly in plain view. One of them is by seeing a sign that is in someone's ear.

The condition of the ear is related to the fold of the ear lobe and the feathers in the ear. More than 40 studies reveal that diagonal lobe folds in the ear are associated with the risk of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a plaque disease that forms inside the arteries which blocks blood flow. New research also reveals the relationship of this condition to cerebral vascular disease.

In addition, the condition of the hair in the ear is also known to be related to this.

This is what researchers from India believe.

The researchers conducted research to find a connection between coronary syndrome and increased growth of ear hair.

They found that a sharp increase in the amount of hair on the ear can be a symptom of this disease.

This is considered quite dangerous when there are signs of Frank and a large amount of ear hair. If you experience both of these signs, you should immediately check.

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