
Smoking Mud for Health

Smoking Mud for Health
     It is extraordinary the influence of cigarettes when viewed from what can be produced from the economic side, the income of the state foreign exchange (through cigarette excise), to the dependence on cigarette consumers. Starting from tobacco farmers, rolling power that generally absorbs female workers to marketers, who geographically reach remote areas. From excise tapes, reaching billions of rupiah per month goes to the state treasury.

  Symbiosis of mutualism has spread to advertising managed through various media, through cigarette advertising, and direct campaigns through entertainment, even more ironic is that many sports matches are sponsored by cigarette factories. Not infrequently and not surprised if in the arena of sports competition there is a puff of cigarette smoke. Even though the basic principles of sports are aimed at socializing sports and exercising people to obtain health and fitness degrees.

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  On the other hand, the impact of smoking is also very extraordinary. Smoking can cause various diseases, from heart to hypertension to impotence. We try to see what is written on cigarette packs "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and fetus". In addition, explicitly in one pack of cigarettes is written "Cigarettes Kill You". The warnings and writings on cigarette packs do not seem to be a frightening specter for smokers.

  The prevalence of smoking in adolescents of school age or 10-18 years of age has increased according to the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) recorded at 9.1%, this figure increased from the 2013 Riskesdas at 7.2%. So that by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Nila F Moeloek commented that the government must make efforts to intervene to reduce unhealthy behavior in adolescents, such as cigarette and alcohol consumption by creating a family approach program by educating and encouraging families to be healthy.

  The disadvantages of smoking for health include: First, respiratory tract damage. Is the beginning of the decline in body power. Toxins in cigarettes can cause irritation and the appearance of mucus in the respiratory tract which is an opportunity for infection in the throat to the lungs. Infection can also be more vulnerable because cigarette smoke damages the cilia, small hairs in the respiratory tract that function to catch dust. The more exposure to cigarette smoke, the greater the risk of the infection becoming more serious and causing damage to the air cavity in the lungs.

  Second, it triggers an autoimmune condition. The poisonous content of carcinogens and tar causes the body to be less effective against infection. A weakened immune system is also dangerous because it can trigger autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Third, it inhibits blood flow. This is the effect of nicotine which triggers the blood to become thicker and causes less nutrients, minerals and oxygen to be spread through the blood. As a result, smokers, inflammation of the outside and organs in the body experience a longer improvement.

  Fourth, reduce the number of antibodies. This is the toxic effect of cigarettes that have entered the bloodstream. Antibodies themselves are blood proteins that play a role in reducing the number of specific infectious agents in the body. As a result smokers will experience a healing period that is longer than usual. Fifth, reduce antioxidant levels. Antioxidant compounds such as those derived from vitamin C in the blood function to ward off free radicals and repair organ damage. Smokers generally have fewer antioxidant levels than non-smoking individuals.

  Sixth, increase white blood cells. Just like antibodies, white blood cells also function to fight infection. But in smokers, inflammation and damage that continues to occur causes the levels of white blood cells to continue to be in high amounts. As a result, white blood cells will become less responsive to disease agents and if they occur for a long time can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer development.

  Prevention Warning-warning or writing on cigarette packs, just a sentence and selogan which is less meaningful for connoisseurs of cigarettes. Even though it has been printed on the packaging of cigarette packs, the danger and disease caused by the dangers of smoking. As if smokers turn a blind eye to the dangers posed by these cigarettes. To reduce smokers in Indonesia, especially in Aceh is very difficult and difficult, especially to eliminate cigarettes is also impossible or impossible. Because a cigarette addict is harder to leave a cigarette than to leave property or even lose the person he loves. In addition, taxes issued by cigarette companies for the country are quite large. In any way to eliminate or reduce smoking is a step that in my opinion needs to be taken, even though the results are not significant. However, campaign prevention efforts need to be carried out to deter, reduce and even eliminate smoking.

  We certainly already know, the writings are prohibited from smoking in public places such as offices, schools, terminals, markets, public roads or other places. These writings do not seem to be very significant to be heard and lived out by the dangers of smokers.

  The author tries to observe in Banda Aceh City that smoking in public places is still a very sad phenomenon for health. The City Government of Banda Aceh through Qanun No.5 of 2016 concerning Non-Smoking Areas (KTR), has regulated and determined prevention efforts against the risk of cigarette smoke for public health. The determination of the KTR is based on the principle: benefits; protection; society participation; and respect for the right of human beings to live healthy lives.

  The KTR in the city of Banda Aceh based on the qanun above includes: Government Offices; Private Offices; Health service facilities; Formal and informal education facilities; Children's playground; Worship place; Closed workplace; Closed sports facilities; Fuel refueling stations (SPBU); Stop; Public transportation; and other closed public places.

  As an effort to control and prevent violations of the KTR Qanun, the sanctions have been regulated as follows: (1) Every person who smokes in a place or area declared as KTR as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1), shall be punished with the longest sentence of 3 ( three) days and / or a fine of no more than Rp. 200,000 (two hundred thousand rupiahs).

  (2) Any person who trades cigarettes in a place or area declared as KTR as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1) shall be sentenced to a maximum of 5 (five) days and / or a fine of a maximum of Rp. 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah). (3) Criminal acts as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) constitute violations.

  Basically, the rules made by the government and the local government are actually good, but in reality the prohibition is only a prohibition, it does not work optimally, even if it is tightened, smokers will continue to play "hide and seek" with the officers. The smoking regulations in these public places have been well made, but in reality the results have not been maximized and are encouraging. Therefore, there must be a real effort for discipline.

  Smoking is something that must be abandoned because cigarettes contain many dangers rather than benefits. Cigarettes contain poisons such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxide, and ammonia gas. The poisons will weaken and damage body organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs.

  From this damage arises various diseases such as cancer, impotence, fetal disorders, heart attacks, hypertension and others. So it is very clear that cigarettes are dangerous goods that we must get rid of from our lives. Our bodies do not need cigarettes, because cigarettes do not include food. In order for the Qanun on KTR to be implemented, it is expected that the provincial and district / city governments in Aceh will form a Qanun KTR accompanied by its serious application.

  Because of the difficulty of eradicating smoking habits, it is recommended that every government and private institution make special places for smoking (smooking areas), so as to minimize passive smoking, especially as a lesson for teenagers that smoking is not good for health. It is also hoped that the tourism industry, such as hospitality, will strictly prohibit smoking based on various laws and regulations. Well!

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