ANDROCOMVIRAL-Spinach, one of the green vegetables that is often liked by many people ranging from children to adults.
In addition to being made vegetables, spinach can also be made juice or even healthy chips.
Spinach is known as an important vegetable source of iron.
Iron content in spinach is relatively higher than other leaf vegetables (iron is a constituent of cytochrome, a protein involved in photosynthesis) so that it is useful for people with anemia.
Spinach leaves are very nutritious, because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals.
In addition, spinach leaves are also a source of dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C which are beneficial for health.
But not only the leaves are beneficial but the water is also good, starting from the health of the body, skin to hair.
Reporting from, here are the benefits of spinach water:
1. Reducing cholesterol
Spinach water effectively loses weight and reduces cholesterol naturally.
A study conducted in mice has proven, consumption of spinach water can reduce cholesterol and triglycoside.
Thus, these vegetables play a major role in reducing cholesterol levels.
2. Treatment for jaundice and liver
Spinach water has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of jaundice and liver problems.
Research has proven, this plant extract can provide protection against liver damage caused by chemicals due to modulation of detoxification enzymes; antioxidant and free radical scavenger properties.
3. Treating anemia
Spinach leaves are rich in iron, so it is beneficial for anemia sufferers and pregnant women who need iron.
Because, iron is an important mineral needed by the body, especially by red blood cells for the formation of hemoglobin.
4. Treat indigestion and constipation
Spinach water is rich in fiber, because it can be used as a treatment for digestive disorders.
Its mild laxative properties are beneficial for people who suffer from indigestion and constipation.
In addition, spinach water can also eliminate constipation.
Spinach can also be used to treat intestinal worm infections.
5. As an antidiabetic
Researchers have shown that consuming spinach regularly can help prevent diabetes caused by oxidative stress.
Not only that, spinach water is also used in the treatment of diabetes in pregnant women.
6. Protection against heart disease
Spinach water contains important nutrients such as vitamins A and C and high concentrations of beta-carotene.
These nutrients act as antioxidants to reduce free radicals in the body, thus preventing the cholesterol form from becoming oxidized.
Oxidized cholesterol will stick to the walls of blood vessels, causing arterial blockages, heart attacks or strokes.
In addition, folate contained in spinach water also helps convert dangerous chemicals called homocysteine, which in high levels can cause heart attacks or strokes.
7. Cancer prevention
Spinach is known to be beneficial for cancer prevention thanks to its antioxidants, and effectively removes free radicals from the body.
This vegetable is known to be very useful in preventing colorectal, stomach, skin and breast cancer.
8. Useful for eye health
Spinach water contains high carotenoids, vitamin A and lutein.
Where these nutrients are very important for eye health.
Not only that, eating spinach can also increase glutathione, which plays an important role in preventing cataracts.
9. Increases immunity
Spinach is a source of nutrients to naturally boost immunity.
Eating spinach regularly can boost the immune system and promote healthy bone development and eliminate toxins in the body.
10. Water spinach effectively treat ulcers, painful menstruation, urination, until nosebleeds
Spinach water effectively treat ulcers, menstrual pain, toothache, urination, nosebleeds, and others.
In addition, for people who experience insomnia or difficulty sleeping can also be reduced by consuming spinach water.
Spinach water can also be used as a cold compress to treat fever and natural remedies if you experience food poisoning.
11. As an anti aging
Spinach water is rich in antioxidants, so consuming it regularly can prevent cell damage from free radicals, making skin cells more resistant to sun damage and reducing wrinkles.
12. Treatment of skin diseases
Spinach shoots can be used to treat skin diseases such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and others.
Spinach can also prevent skin cancer, treat acne, eczema and psoriasis.
13. Treat itching on the skin or insect bites
Spinach is a natural remedy to cure itching on the skin or insect bites.
The trick, add salt to spinach and mash until smooth.
Then apply the mixture in the affected area.
14. Rejuvenates the skin
Drink spinach water regularly, very beneficial for skin health Moms.
Because it effectively rejuvenates the skin by removing harmful toxins from the body, thus keeping the skin healthy and radiant.
15. Spinach water is useful for maintaining healthy skin hair
Proper nutrition is one of the important things in maintaining healthy scalp and hair.
In this case, you can get it from spinach water.
Spinach water is known to be beneficial for hair growth and prevents hair loss and improves hair texture.
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