
Causes of white hair at a young age

Causes of white hair at a young age
Causes of white hair at a young age
ANDROCOMVIRAL-In general, hair that starts to look white is one sign of aging, although on the other hand there are also those who think that by having hair that starts to turn white then he will increasingly look wise and mature. But sometimes this can be a horrendous thing if the signs of graying hair occur in someone who is still young.

Then why are things that are often considered as signs of aging can occur in someone who is still young. So whether this can be tricked to make hair look healthy and normal again as before.

Actually, hair that looks whitening earlier can occur in men and women without exception, although many ordinary people think that this problem is more common in men than women.

This is because women tend to be more sensitive to changes in the appearance of their bodies, so that if they experience hair problems that become white earlier then they are more easily moved faster to overcome them in various ways, even though they have to spend a lot of money because many of the women very concerned with his appearance.

You may be a little surprised when combing your hair and then you find that you find white hair falling out of your hair. The next scene that usually happens is that you will immediately look for a mirror or glass so you can pay more attention to the condition and appearance of your hair.

Both people who have entered the old age or those who are still young in general will feel uncomfortable and may even feel anxious when the white hair that is on his hair more and more days. White hair is actually not only showing signs of aging but also other things such as the condition of the body that is not getting enough nutrition, experiencing certain chronic diseases, the body often experiences great pressure, or it can occur due to genetic factors.

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Usually in films or stories, it is often told that if a person experiences stress, heartbreak or disappointment that happens for a long time, his hair can turn white faster even though he is still relatively young. Yes, actually this is not wrong because stress is indeed one of the causes of gray hair that grows faster.

The following are the causes of white hair at a young age, including:

1. Stress

Beware of stress, especially if you experience some symptoms because without you even knowing that a stressed mind can put tremendous pressure on your body and mind. Skin and sex specialists from Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Jakarta, namely Dr. Wirda, said that stress can make the production of melanin which is a natural pigment of hair dye not smooth. Melanocyte cells produce melanin, and when the hair color turns white, this usually happens because the melanocytes in the body do not produce enough melanin.

Usually the period of production of melanin that is not smooth is not long but still can be influenced by stress experienced so that if the mind and heart become calm and normal again then the production of melanin will return smoothly, and the effect is black hair grows back to normal.

Dr. Wirda gives tips that the best way to deal with gray hair is to adjust the balance of work and rest, so stress can be overcome properly. As for inhibiting the growth of gray hair in the head you can do it by eating foods that contain lots of vitamin B12.

Health expert from New York University Medical Center, Diana Bihova, said that excessive stress can deplete vitamin B12 reserves. The rapid and uncontrolled growth of gray hair can be caused by depleted vitamin B12, so you can overcome it by getting used to thinking positively, often laughing and releasing stress.

2. Bad Nutrition Causes of White Hair at a Young Age

The appearance of gray hair that occurs faster than the time that should have been caused by poor nutrition. There are times when someone who has gray hair despite his young age has a malnutrition, which can occur because the daily food intake he consumes cannot meet his nutritional needs properly. The problem besides the appearance of gray hair in someone who is malnourished is hair that looks reddish, does not look healthy and looks wrinkled. Even if every day consume healthy and nutritious foods, it could still arise because the digestive tract is in an unhealthy condition, such as a stomach that has a wound so that the food nutrients that come in will be wasted and cannot be absorbed properly by the body.

3. Heredity Factor

Other causes of the appearance of gray hair can be caused by hereditary factors originating from parents where body data about white hair is stored in chromosomes that are passed on from parent to child. This means that someone who has had gray hair problems has grown in his youth, so when he has children, the problem will be passed on to his prospective child. Another thing that can cause gray hair to grow on the head is due to hormonal abnormalities, X-ray effects, impaired kidney function or having problems with the body's immunity.

White hair at this time is not only a problem for older people but also for teenagers or young people who have certain lifestyles that can ultimately influence the health of their head's hair.
Therefore it is recommended to always maintain health, including by avoiding things that can trigger the growth of gray hair on the head.
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