
Causes When Drooling Sleep

Causes When Drooling Sleep
Causes When Drooling Sleep
ANDROCOMVIRAL-Have you ever wondered after waking up when you realize that there is a lot of saliva that looks imprinted on the bed? Although sleep conditions in drool conditions often occur in the community, this cannot be seen as trivial.

Drooling in the medical world is referred to as excessive saliva production, known as sialorrhea, which has usually been seen since I was a baby when teeth just started to grow. However, this condition is more common in children who have muscle problems and behavorial conditions and neurological problems such as cerebral palsy.

Causes of drooling

The amount of saliva production is affected by a gland in the body, where the amount of saliva production in your body when you are awake is far more than when you are in a state of sleep. When you rest it is estimated that the rate of saliva secretion is 0.3 to 1 mL / 1.7 m2 / minute.

When you wake up you will be at small risk for drooling because you can swallow saliva. But when your body's condition and your facial muscles are in a relaxed state, the glands that produce saliva will "spill" out through your mouth because you don't swallow the saliva.

When you sleep with your body lying on its back, you will usually be at small risk to experience drooling sleep. But when in a sleeping position on your side, then in this sleeping position you will be at high risk for experiencing drool sleep.

This can happen because when you are in a supine sleeping position, saliva will settle in the back of the throat and eventually flow down.

Sleep drool

When viewed in terms of health, drooling conditions can be associated with health complications from mild to severe. Oral health experts from Trisakti University, Prof. Dr. Melanie S Djamil, drg, MBiomed, said, "Drooling is not a specific disease or disorder, but is a sign of several diseases. If the mouth is large open, it can be an indication of an upper respiratory tract disorder, ".

"These disorders include narrowing of the upper airways (nose and throat) and the growth of meat in the nasal cavity (polyps)," added Prof. Dr. Melanie S Djamil, drg, MBiomed. One of the triggers for drooling is the airways that experience constriction often associated with other sleep disorders, such as sleeping while snoring. In someone who has a habit of sleeping while snoring, often unwittingly breathing stops at least 400 times just overnight where this condition is known as "sleep apnea".

Prof. Melanie, also added that drooling can also occur because when sleeping the lower jaw muscles are in a state of relaxation or slackening. Thus the jaw can fall then without realizing the position of the mouth will be opened yet added to the increased production of saliva or saliva, and in this condition there will be a tendency or a high risk to experience drooling.

Spicy and acidic types of food can also increase the amount of saliva production, so if you eat these types of food before going to sleep, don't be surprised if you wake up when you realize that your pillow or bed gets wet due to your saliva.

Moreover, the type of spicy food can make saliva runny, so that during sleep it will be easier to make saliva slide out into the mouth during sleep.

For more details, the following are causes of drooling and medical conditions that can cause sleep drooling, including:

1. Allergy

If you have allergic rhinitis or certain food allergies, then the condition can be a cause of excessive saliva production which can increase the risk of drooling during sleep.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Researchers engaged in the health sector believe that GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is acid reflux, causes stomach acid to stimulate the esophagus. As a result, the esophagosalivary reflex will be too aroused, causing saliva to overproduce.

3. Sinus infection

Sinusitis due to allergic ARI (upper respiratory tract infection), which is usually associated with the respiratory system and the inability to swallow, can be a cause of drooling because of saliva accumulation It can also be caused by a blocked nose caused by a disease, such as flu, so you will tend to breathe using your mouth and this will cause saliva to easily flow out during sleep.

4. Tonsillitis

Tonsils can also be referred to as tonsils or inflamed glands in the back of the throat. This section can be narrow due to swelling and inflammation where this condition will certainly interfere with and prevent the smooth flow of saliva into the throat.

5. Sleep terror

It could be the habit of drooling during sleep caused by "sleep terror", which is a condition that occurs in adults caused by psychopathological reasons. This condition is usually caused by patients who experience severe emotional stress or can also be caused by lack of sleep and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Someone who often experiences somnambulism conditions (sleepwalking) and somniloquy (delirious) usually have a high tendency to sleep in drooling conditions.

6. Medicines and chemicals

If all this time you often sleep in drool conditions, it could be caused by the use of certain types of drugs, even drugs. It is known that some types of antidepressant drugs, morphine, drugs to treat dry mouth (pilocarpine) can increase the amount of saliva production.

7. Problems with teeth and gums

Someone who has health problems with teeth and gums has a high risk of drooling during sleep. When you get tooth and gum pain, you will more often pull the wind into your mouth, even though this can make your mouth dry faster and consequently will accelerate and increase the production of saliva.

8. Sleep with your mouth open

If you often sleep with your mouth open, this will reduce the humidity of your oral cavity so that your mouth will dry faster, and of course you will be at high risk for drooling when you sleep.
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