
Health Benefits of Walking

Health Benefits of Walking
Health Benefits of Walking
ANDROCOMVIRAL-To maintain a healthy body, walking is one of the recommended physical activities, especially in the morning because at that time the air is still fresh, there is no pollution, no heat and the road is not jammed. But unfortunately for a variety of reasons, most of our people still have a lot to do, for example because of difficulty getting up early, lazy, and so on.

There is a study that states that walking can provide many health benefits for at least 20 to 25 miles in 1 week, where those who do tend to have a longer age compared to those who rarely walk.

The following are Walking Health Benefits, including:

1. Prevent osteoporosis

To maintain bone health, the body not only requires vitamin D and calcium, but also foot movements are carried out at least 1,000 steps every day and the body is exposed to sunlight at least 15 minutes every day. When you walk regularly, your bones will have a small risk of developing osteoporosis problems.

2. Strengthens muscles

When you walk, your body and muscles will move which can strengthen the thigh muscles, legs and buttocks.

3. Lose weight

Someone who has excessive body weight can damage the appearance of the body but can also increase the high risk of getting the disease. To prevent this problem you can get used to walking every morning where this habit can burn calories.

4. Promotes blood circulation

When you walk, your heartbeat will beat faster which will pump blood throughout the body so that the results will make the blood circulation in the body well maintained.

5. Control blood sugar

A study conducted by the American Medical Association states that often doing walking exercises every morning the results will increase the possibility to maintain blood sugar stability in the body.

6. Maintain heart health

If you want to keep your heart health well then you can start getting used to walking every day. The habit of walking carried out every morning mentioned can prevent a heart attack. Thus you do not need to spend a lot of money to maintain heart health because you can do it by only having the habit of walking.

7. Healthy lungs

Walking with a fast rhythm is said to be good for healthy lung organ function, especially when done in the morning where the air is still fresh and still free of pollution smoke.

8. Prevent Diabetes

With the maintenance of blood sugar levels in the body it will indirectly prevent the risk of diabetes. According to the results of a study from the National Institute of Diabetes and Gigesive and Kidney Diseases, it was mentioned that walking at a speed of 6 km / h and carried out for 50 minutes can reduce the risk of diabetes.

9. Reducing Blood Pressure Motion blurred pedestrians on zebra crossing

Walking that is done every morning can make blood pressure drop and can reduce the level of blood density. Thus the habit of walking can prevent blood clots that can cause blood vessels to become blocked.

10. Lower cholesterol

When you walk in the morning, a good type of cholesterol will function as an absorbent type of bad cholesterol.

11. Preventing stroke

In the results of the latest study it was stated that having a habit of walking at least 20 hours a week can reduce the risk of stroke by 2-3 times. Thus it is only natural that people in ancient times rarely had a stroke because at that time most people had the habit of walking when traveling everywhere.

12. Maintain fitness and immunity

Having a habit of walking which is done at least 3 times in 1 week can improve body fitness and maintain the respiratory system which in turn can maintain the body's resistance to disease.

13. Increases body metabolism

Someone who is used to walking every morning tends to have an increase in metabolism even though he is not moving.

14. Burn fat in the body

Walking for at least 20 minutes every day can burn at least 7 pounds of fat in the body.

15. Avoid acne zits

Walking habits can maintain healthy skin and even improve the quality of the skin so that this will also prevent the appearance of pimples on the face. Frequent walking in the morning can make your skin breathe better because the quality of oxygen at that time is very good and can help moisturize the skin. When your body sweats when you are walking, the skin pores will open up and the results in a few days will make your skin healthier than before.

16. Helps the Brain release endorphins

Endorphins are hormones that contain chemical compounds that can trigger a person to feel happy. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland which is located in the lower part of the brain. Endorphins are said to have an effect equal to 200 times the effect given by morphine, which gives rise to feelings of happiness, comfort and providing additional energy.

17. Increases the power of concentration

By walking, you will become more alert so that you will optimize your brain's power to concentrate more.

18. Like Meditating

Walking is done in the morning can provide benefits that are equivalent to yoga where the fresh air that the body will issue positive energy and can eliminate mental-related problems, such as depression.

19. Prevent senility

Someone who has entered old age over 65 years has a high tendency to experience senility. The habit of walking every morning can reduce the risk of senility by 40% and can even maintain brain function.

20. Maintain good quality sleep

The study, conducted by Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, said that exercise carried out in the morning such as walking can increase the possibility of deep sleep at night.
Thus walking is not only an interaction activity and an activity that can take you to a destination, but also can help maintain health.
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