ANDROCOMVIRAL-For Indonesian people, of course, they are very familiar with this brown paper rice wrap, right?
Starting from fried foods, nasi padang, satay to other dishes are usually wrapped in nasi brown rice ’paper.
This thin plastic coated rice paper is an alternative to banana leaves, which are usually used as food wrappers.
It would be nice if we immediately move the food wrapped in brown paper to an ordinary plate.
A number of studies have found that this paper contains BPA harmful to the body.
BPA or bisphenol A are chemicals that are often used as ingredients for eating containers, not only plastic, but also paper.
Initially BPA was used in canned food containers so that the can was not easily corroded.
Reporting from WebMD, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Ph.D., a research scientist at the New York State Department of Health, stated that BPA is also contained in food wrapping paper with a very high concentration level.
BPA powder is used to coat paper to make it more resistant to heat.
In addition to food wrapping paper, BPA is also often found in toilet paper, newspaper, shopping receipt paper, and tickets.
The danger of using this paper has also been presented by LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences).
Lisman Suryanagara, a researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Biomaterials Research Center, reminded the public to be careful with rice paper and recycled paper used to wrap food.
According to Lisman, materials commonly used as food wrappers from time to time include ceramics, glass, plastic, aluminum foil, to paper-based ones.
Lisman added, these chemicals can have a negative impact on the body and trigger various diseases including cancer, lymph nodes, reproductive disorders to gene mutations.
As an alternative, the community can use food grade categories that are 100 percent made of natural fiber.
The characteristics of this food wrap are clean white appearance, not speckled and not translucent.
In addition, food grade cartons are environmentally friendly because they are easily biodegradable.
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